The Stats Doctor
The Stats Doctor
Statistics. Data Science. Assessment. Predictive Modeling. Analytics.

The Practice



Data Science.


Predictive Modeling.


Welcome to The Stats Doctor -  statistical consulting services located in South Florida. (Virtual and travel consultations are welcome!) The Stats Doctor has been involved in statistical consulting, data science, and complex analytics for several years. As a statistically-minded member of the industrial and organizational community with nearly a decade of hands-on business experience and a career as a university-level professor, The Stats Doctor emphasizes the importance of two things: quality and communication. The Stats Doctor's mission is to help clients accomplish their analytics goals in a timely, high-quality, and efficient way.

With services for professionals, businesses, and students, The Stats Doctor's comprehensive breadth of quantitative expertise shows through every aspect of The Stats Doctor's work. 

The Stats Doctor understands that passion for quantitative analytics is quite rare, and that clients are not overly eager to learn about, use, or even talk about statistics. The Stats Doctor approaches projects with this in mind and works to ensure total understanding and a quality relationship on both sides.